Shawn, like everybody else has big dreams; he hopes to pursue a law degree in the near future to fulfill his dream of becoming a lawyer. He also plans to do poultry farming as well as invest in various ground-breaking projects with a target of helping transgender persons in the country.
May 2016
“I would like to thank everyone for coming and contributing. I never knew I have such a big family and so many friends who can support me. I am determined to get better, I’m determined to get well no matter what,’’ Maureen said after the fundraiser.
On 10th May 2016, Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF) an organization that provides free legal services to the Ugandan sexual and gender minority community, held a one day workshop to sensitize members from different LGBTI and sex workers’ organizations about the impact of the NGO Act 2016.
Sandra Ntebi is probably one of the most known names in Uganda’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex community. Sandra is the Chairperson of the National LGBTI Security Committee, a board tasked with providing solutions to community members if and when they find themselves in security conundrums.
Most historians agree that there is evidence of homosexual activity and same-sex love, whether such relationships were accepted or persecuted, in every documented culture. Doctors Sigmund Freud and Magnus Hirschfield’s writings were sympathetic to the concept of a homosexual or bisexual orientation occurring naturally in an identifiable segment of humankind, and Freud himself did not consider homosexuality an illness or a crime.
The Love Not Hate campaign, a South African nation-wide multi-partner initiative addressing violence against LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) people, recently reported a senseless murder of a young lesbian woman.
Adebayor, as he is commonly known, is one of the sports personalities in the Ugandan LGBTI movement; he holds many accolades in different sporting fields ranging from national pool tournaments, soccer, swimming to athletics. He is also the chief gym instructor in one of the executive hotels in Kampala.
Court earlier this week heard a constitutional petition challenging the use of forced anal examinations of men accused of homosexuality. Under international law, forced anal examinations are a form of cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment that may amount to torture, a practice that is widely common in sodomy and homosexuality cases in the East African nation.