

While most refugees desert their countries of origin due to impacts of war and political instability, several others flee because of the insecurity that rises from the revelation of their respective gender and sexual identities. Due to the widespread homophobia deeply rooted by cultural and religious norms in our different communities, many LGBT persons are attacked or threatened by violence which forces them seek refuge in other countries for relief and resettlement.

Challenged with problems of homelessness and need for survival even in exile, some displaced LGBT youths indulge in risk factors like Initiation or escalation of substance abuse, prostitution and survival sex in exchange for money, shelter and food just to get by. They also continue to experience discrimination, abuse and harsh legal repercussions that criminalize prostitution and same sex activities. This victimization limits their accessibility to assistance even within health facilities and therefore makes them more defenseless to the affliction of HIV/ AIDs.

It is based on this background that on Friday 28th October 2018, Vinacef Uganda organized a community HIV testing outreach at Angels Refugee Support Association Group which is a refugee camp for displaced key populations in Kampala. This activity made accessibility to health services easier and contributed to the dissemination of information on the prevention and treatment of HIV/ AIDs among marginalized groups including refugees gender and sexual minorities. 

Vinacef Uganda is a Non Government Organization that supports key population youths in different parts of Uganda by mitigating vulnerable conditions that they face and enable them attain good livelihoods to attain better standards of living through its core areas in regards to health, social care, education, climate change, human rights and advocacy programs .