November 2023

News, Promotional

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 28th November 2023 Update on Legal Proceedings of the Anti-Homosexuality Act in Uganda.

Today, the legal battle challenging the constitutionality of Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 took a significant step forward before His Lordship Justice Kiryabwire at the constitutional court in Kampala. CFE legal representatives alongside others appeared for case conferencing on all 4 petitions (i.e. 14,15,16 and 85 to agree on facts and issues.

News, Promotional

Kuchu Times Media Group Launches 7th Edition of Bombastic Magazine.

Kuchu Times Media Group is proud to announce the 7th edition of Bombastic magazine. This edition focuses on the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This personal edition seeks to amplify the voices and experiences of the LGBT community in Uganda, shedding light on the unique challenges faced during these trying times. The COVID-19 […]

News, Promotional

Statement Commemorating All Saints’ Day 2023 From Organisations Affirming in Faith

It is a shame that religion, a source of solace and guidance for many, has been manipulated to peddle homophobia. It is important for faith leaders to revisit the teachings of Christ, recognizing that the essence of Christianity lies in love, acceptance, and compassion. Let your pulpits be spaces where the message of inclusivity resounds, challenging the narrative that has perpetuated homophobia. Leaders should lead by example, fostering an environment where everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, feels welcomed and embraced within the loving arms of the faith community.