

A Network of Hope: Shelters in Uganda Unite to Safely House LGBTQ People.

Although in April the Constitutional Court of Uganda declared sections of the law that criminalize renting premises to LGBTQ+ people unconstitutional, evictions persist and anti-homosexuality sentiments continue to rise. Some of these cases have been documented by the Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum, a local nonprofit. In February, they received reports of 32 evictions. The organization reports an increase in cases of violence and human rights violations based on sexual orientation, rising from three people in February to 20 in March. Some of these attacks are spilling over to service providers, such as lawyers, according to the nonprofit.


Start Talking, Harnessing Faith for Change: Women of Faith in Action Launches the Start Talking Campaign

Faith and human rights are not mutually exclusive; rather, they can complement each other in the pursuit of justice and equality. This campaign seeks to foster a meaningful dialogue on the intersection of faith and human rights, challenging faith communities to reflect on their values and teachings. By engaging religious leaders and congregations, Women of Faith in Action encourages a reinterpretation of religious texts and doctrines in ways that affirm the dignity and rights of all individuals, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

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Advancing Healthcare Equity for LBQT+ Communities in Uganda: A Call to Action on International Day of Action for Women’s Health

Kuchu Times Media Group with support from Urgent Action Fund-Africa conducted a qualitative research on the policies Uganda has in place regarding Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights and how these policies affect LBQT persons in Uganda. As the world gears towards the International Day of Action for Women’s Health on May 28th, it is important […]

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Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) Commemorates Two Decades Of Resilience.

The decision to suspend SMUG’s operations was not only a blatant violation of freedom of association but also a grave injustice against LGBTQ+ individuals who rely on the organization for advocacy, protection, and solidarity. It sent a chilling message of intolerance and hostility towards sexual and gender minorities, further marginalizing already vulnerable communities.
Despite facing adversity, SMUG has refused to be silenced. In the face of repression, the organization has continued to resist, adapt, and innovate. Through online platforms, grassroots activism, and international solidarity networks, SMUG has persevered in its mission to advance LGBTQ+ rights and amplify the voices of those who are often silenced.

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A Champion of Human Rights: A Conversation with Hillary Taylor S. the recipient of the 2024 David Kato Award.

“It’s not just a personal recognition; it’s a recognition of the collective efforts of all those who believe in the inherent dignity and rights of every individual,” Hillary expressed, his eyes reflecting a profound sense of purpose. “The award, named after David Kato, is a reminder that our work is not in isolation but part of a larger movement striving for justice, equality, and respect for human rights.”


LGBTQ+ History Month – What does the LGBTQ+ community in Uganda deserve?

This history month. Kuchu Times Media Group will run a campaign titled, “What do LGBTQ+ people deserve?” Engaging with LGBTQ+ activists to discuss what LGBTQ+ individuals deserve is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, activists are on the front lines of the ongoing struggle for equality and rights, possessing firsthand knowledge of the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community. Their insights provide a nuanced understanding of the specific needs and aspirations of the community.

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Section 14 of the Anti Homosexuality Act 2023 states that, “a person who is otherwise prevented by privilege from making a report under sub section (I) shall be immune from any action arising from the disclosure of the information without consent or waiver of privilege first being obtained or had,” This statement speaks directly to doctor-patient privilege making the walls to health access higher. The Ministry of Health could argue that they released a statement instructing medical practitioners to not discriminate but since when do statements hold weight over laws? The only solution to this inequality is to repeal the draconian law altogether.

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 28th November 2023 Update on Legal Proceedings of the Anti-Homosexuality Act in Uganda.

Today, the legal battle challenging the constitutionality of Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 took a significant step forward before His Lordship Justice Kiryabwire at the constitutional court in Kampala. CFE legal representatives alongside others appeared for case conferencing on all 4 petitions (i.e. 14,15,16 and 85 to agree on facts and issues.

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Kuchu Times Media Group Launches 7th Edition of Bombastic Magazine.

Kuchu Times Media Group is proud to announce the 7th edition of Bombastic magazine. This edition focuses on the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This personal edition seeks to amplify the voices and experiences of the LGBT community in Uganda, shedding light on the unique challenges faced during these trying times. The COVID-19 […]

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Statement Commemorating All Saints’ Day 2023 From Organisations Affirming in Faith

It is a shame that religion, a source of solace and guidance for many, has been manipulated to peddle homophobia. It is important for faith leaders to revisit the teachings of Christ, recognizing that the essence of Christianity lies in love, acceptance, and compassion. Let your pulpits be spaces where the message of inclusivity resounds, challenging the narrative that has perpetuated homophobia. Leaders should lead by example, fostering an environment where everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, feels welcomed and embraced within the loving arms of the faith community.