January 2024

News, Security Tip

Pro Tips for Safe Online Interactions: A Cautionary Guide from Kuchu Times Media Group

In the midst of these challenges, Grindr has emerged as a crucial space for the LGBTQ community to connect, find support, and seek relationships. However, recent reports of homophobes infiltrating this safe space by creating fake accounts have raised alarm. It is essential to acknowledge that Grindr remains a vital platform for queer individuals to express themselves, find companionship, and build relationships. The focus should not be on abandoning this space but on navigating it more wisely.

Events, News

Religious Homophobia in Uganda Explored in a Research Report by Women of Faith in Action and Faithful Catholic Souls.

In a groundbreaking study, researchers from Women of Faith in Action and Faithful Catholic Souls, with support from UHAI-EASHRI, have delved into the pervasive religious homophobia faced by Uganda’s LGBTQ community. The report sheds light on the intricate conflicts that arise when individuals identifying as LGBTIQ navigate the intersection of their sexual identity with deeply ingrained religious beliefs.
The research report not only uncovers the insidious role of religion in perpetuating homophobia but also emphasizes the urgent need for accountability.