south africa


OWNING YOUR STORY: Phiwe Ngcengi on Being Trans in South Africa

Phiwe Ngcengi is a transgender activist from South Africa, she is also one of the subjects wjhose story is shared in the book I Am, Therefore, We Are.  The book, written and photographed by Kris Lyseggen and her husband Herb Schreier, introduces us to a new transfeminist movement in the Xhosain rural areas and townships of South Africa. Lyseggen and Schreier interviewed, filmed and photographed more than 20 transgender women from various townships, rural areas and cities in 2014 and 2015.


Uganda: Government Fuels Homophobia and Transphobia in Police Crackdown on LGBTI Pride Celebrations

The African Charter on Human and People’s Rights(African Charter) and the Resolution #275 on Protection against Violence and other Human Rights Violations against Persons on the basis of their real or imputed Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity respectively, call for members states to refrain from subjecting their citizens from cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and to ensure timely investigation and prosecution of all perpetrators of violence against person based on the sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.