We are inviting leaders from all religious and spiritual traditions, geographic places, genders, identities, and economic diversity. We would especially like to invite women and indigenous leaders to come forward. Speakers must identify as LGBTI, and do not need to be clergy.
May 2017
The hearing of the case of Frank Mugisha and 2 others Vs URSB,(SMUG Case) was yesterday postponed to Thursday 8th June 2017 at 9:00am after Justice Patricia Basaza Wasswa failed to turn up in court. The court issued the new date and explained that the postponement was due to the magistrate’s unavailability.
The team which participated in the International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics last year is very hopeful to bag big wins from the Out Games. The community back home is buzzing with excitement as this rather very young team continues to break barriers and create visibility for Uganda’ s kuchu community as well draw attention to the un-nurtured and unmoulded talents therein.
And until we start to rethink everything society and religion have fed us in regards to sexuality, we will continue to face homophobia, discrimination, prejudice and have people advocate for corrective therapy.
he award which was eventually won by Dianah Pamela Angwech for her work with persons affected by war in Northern Uganda was a moment of pride for not only Mr Jjuko but the entire LGBTI community in Uganda as he (Mr Jjuko) was being recognized for the victory in the Equal Opportunities Commission case, which instituted in his name, as well as his work as the coordinator of the legal challenge to the Anti-Homosexuality Act were cited among the grounds for his nomination.
The Global Forum for MSM and HIV (MSMGF) and ISHTAR is opening a call for applications for 5-day Speaking Out East Africa training. The training will be hosted from 3rd -8th July in Kenya. The advocacy training equips individuals and organizations with tools and techniques that enable them to become advocates right now, whoever and wherever they happen to be. We are looking for Gay men, MSM and Transgender (GMT) advocates who are expected to participate in 5-day training. Participants will be drawn from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda.
With over thirty explanations of what family means to different defenders of human rights of LGBT persons, one thing was clear- any group of people that are in your corner supporting you and believing in you are your family, regardless of whether they are biologically related to you or not.
Astraea’s International Fund supports groups, projects and organizations led by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) communities working for progressive social change and addressing oppression based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Grants range from $7,000 (minimum) – $20,000 (maximum), and average grant size is $10,000.
With no where to turn, Sweet Love sought refugee in one of Uganda’s leading red light areas called Kabalagala. After sleeping in bars for almost two months, she found relief when a group of female sex workers offered her shelter
Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), together with The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries (TFAM) and Trans Network Uganda partnered to celebrate International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) 2017 under the global theme “Diversity and Family”.