Opinion Piece

Opinion Piece

Honestly, why should we be bothered by your personal sanctions? – Bana Mwesige

I could go on and on about the ridiculous nature of the Parliament’s position on these sanctions but the people most at risk, LGBT Ugandans happen to be the proverbial grass on which these giant elephants are fighting. While the Speaker and her cronies blame the somehow all-powerful homosexuals and “bum shafters” for every single problem in their lives (they will soon be blamed for the traffic on Kampala’s roads or the speaker having a bad hair day), LGBT Ugandans are still being harassed, doxxed, murdered, arrested and evicted because of the bad law they orchestrated.

News, Opinion Piece

The World Bank Money Is Not Yours.

One of the primary reasons they offered for their decision is that the law goes against their values. Just as you would not bring pork to a Muslim picnic, you should not anger the people who are lending you money by going against their fundamental values and beliefs. This does not negate your personal convictions; you do not become a Muslim because you honored their ideals and did not bring meat to their picnic. While laws and regulations are a little more complicated than that, violating an institution’s principles and values by criminalizing, imprisoning, and murdering the most marginalized members of the community it seeks to serve is an obvious justification for action.

Opinion Piece, Promotional

THE 11TH PARLIAMENT AND THE REBIRTH OF AN ANTI-HOMOSEXUALITY BILL 2023: Enacting Violence against Humanity at will.

Legislators do not only have a duty to legislate Law but impliedly, to pass good Law not influenced by biased public opinion but informed by International and Regional standards, most of which Uganda has signed and ratified. The Bill is a direct attack on sexual and gender identity. Article 21 of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda as amended guarantees equality and freedom for all from discrimination on the ground of sex, race, colour, ethnic origin, tribe, birth, creed or religion, or social or economic standing, political opinion or disability. ‘Discrimination on the ground of sex’ appends respect for a private life, respect for family and a home.

Opinion Piece, Promotional

Sexuality Education is a major step to combating child sexual abuse in Ugandan schools and it has nothing to do with homosexuality.

A 2020 report by Bantwana Initiative of World Education carried out in Uganda on defilement and sexual harassment shows that, “19% of children reported that they had ‘played sex’ with an adult in the past six months. Of the 47% of children that reported receiving a ‘bad touch’ in the past six months, 50% identified a caregiver as the perpetrator, 33% identified a teacher and 17% identified a friend, stranger, or another family member as the perpetrator. Of the 32% of teachers that reported knowing a child that received a bad touch in the past six months, 56% (majority) identified a fellow student as the perpetrator. Where children knew a child that received a bad touch, 34% of children talked with a teacher and 25% talked to a friend.”

Opinion Piece, Submissions

Of The Charlatans, Opportunists and Grifters In The Ex-Gay Movement.

Over a decade has passed since this narrative began playing out in the dusty streets of Kampala. Money, deceit, the police, the Ugandan government, and LGBTQ people are all involved. It speaks of the many lives that have been turned upside down; the scandals and embarrassments; the loss of jobs and livelihoods; and the betrayal of family and friends. This is the account of the ex-gay movement in Uganda and the numerous lives it destroyed in its wake (from my point of view).