Bombastic Magazine has been very educative to me.
June 2021
Bombastic magazine is not just an LGBTQI magazine, it is a platform! Our platform where we get to share with the outside world who we truly are. It is that microphone where we are able to educate, inform and shred away all the misinformation that has been spread about our community.-Qwin Mbabazi
Kenyan Based LGBTIQ Organization Begins Database To Boost Queer Owned Businesses in The Country.
Uganda Network of Sex Worker led Organizations (UNESO) recently hosted partners, allies and representatives from membership organizations to a dissemination meeting and official launch of their documentary .
As we anticipate the release and distribution of the next edition of the Bombastic Magazine, we will document and share stories from our readers on their experiences with the magazine in a series that we have named The Chronicles of Bombastic Magazine.
We join fellow human rights defenders across the African continent and the globe to celebrate the release of the 21 activists and members of the LGBTI+ Community in Ghana who have been finally granted bail since their arrest and detention on May 20th, 2021.
Court in Ghana has granted bail to the 21 LGBTIQ human rights defenders after 22 days in police custody. On 20 May 2021, Ghanaian police arrested 21 human rights defenders (16 women and five men) who were conducting paralegal training for the protection of the human rights of sexual minorities in Ho, Ghana. They were […]
Applicants should be be cooperative and good at graphics, videography and photography.
Kuchu Times Media Group is looking for a fun positive well motivated LGBTIQ individual to work with the group. We require you to be cooperative and good at graphics, videography and photography. Kindly send your CV to
Ghanaians have halted all plans to celebrate Pride in a bid to focus on the advocating for the release of their colleagues who were arrested on 21st May while UN experts speak out on their incarceration.